Capability Enhancement Programmes of the college include various programmes arranged for the overall development of the students. Every programme has a teacher coordinator. The coordinator maintains the details of students enrolled under each programme. All the progrmmes that go par with the vision and mission of the college, cater to the holistic development of the students.

Capacity Enhancement Programmes 2020-21

Capacity Enhancement Programmes 2021-22

Bridge Course

To alleviate the knowledge gap of students, all departments of the college conducts bridge course. The course is designed in such a way that the under graduation course syllabus is linked with that of the higher secondary syllabus. This helps the students to get a continuity of what they have learned in their higher secondary, before they go in depth to under graduation curriculum.

Remedial Coaching

All departments of the college carryout entry level assessment of the students with the help of test like SKAT to identify slow learners.  They are then given special attention which help them to upgrade their skills and boost up their confidence so that they can go par with their peers.

Career Counselling

The career & placement cell of the college organize career counselling for our students which help our students to stand out in campus interviews and recruitment drives. The role played by the career & placement cell is pivotal which ensures placement job opportunities for our students.


  • Ms. Rekha Mathew
  • Dr. Sr. Minimol Mathew



Additional Skill Acquisition Programme – A government of Kerala sponsored programme facilitates in improving the soft skills and communication skills of the students.


  • Dr. Sr. Minimol Mathew

Walk With a Scholar (WWS)

Kerala Higher Education Council initiated the Walk with a Scholar (WWS) Programme, expanded the perspective of learning process of the advanced learners. The students selected under this scheme get the chance to interact with foremost intellectuals and prominent personalities from various streams.


  • Dr. Sr. Jilly James

Scholar Support Programme (SSP)

The Scholar Support Programme – an innovative initiative of the Higher Education Department, Govt. of Kerala has started to function in the college during the academic year 2014-15. The programme is intended to provide personalized additional support to deprived students by means of internal and external mentoring sessions, study materials, additional lectures, question banks and interactive sessions, Motivation visits, video lectures etc.


  • Ms. Sunitha Santhan, HOD, Dept. of History