To understand and assess the expectations of students on curriculum, the institution collects feedback from the students. Every year the students evaluate the curriculum on a five point scale where the student can mark eight parameters as excellent, very good, good, satisfactory and not satisfactory. The parameters like depth, coverage, applicability, learning value, clarity and relevance of the course along with the relevance of additional source material and the extend of effort required by the students are analyzed and evaluated by the students.

     To assure them complete trust they are not compelled to write their names on the feedback form but for the purpose of proper evaluation they have to indicate their subjects. Also, provision to add further suggestions are also given. The feedback is analyzed department-wise to get a clear understanding of the course material.  The syllabi for all the UG courses were the same from the year 2013-14 to 2016-17.

Feedback Reports

Feedback Analysis Report

2022-23      2021-22     2020-21     2019-20     2018-19

Action Taken Report on Feedback


2022-23         2021-22          2020-21           2019-20        2018-19