Ms. Minu Mathews Assistant Professor M. Sc, MBA, NET

Name Minu Mathews
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M. Sc, NET
Date of entry into service 01/01/2013
Research Guide ship, associating University and Research activities ·         Minu Mathews and Minu Maria Abraham. Formulation and nutrient analysis of Asparagus racemosus based recipes and its popularization among housewives, Star Research Reach, 5(1) December 2013, 54-60, ISSN 0975 – 5101.


·        Minu Mathews and Dr. Leena Leon presented paper on “Convenience Food: A Prospective Change in Food Industry” at International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Food processing Sector organised by B. Voc Food Processing and Technology, St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam on 9th & 10th February, 2018

·        Cicin Mariya Jacob and Minu Mathews presented poster on “Bioavailability of Heam and Non-heam Iron: A Comparison” at International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Food processing Sector organised by B. Voc Food Processing and Technology, St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam on 9th & 10th February, 2018


·        Minu Mathews,  Binu Emmanuel,  Deepthi Annie Francis and Nesna E K presented poster on “Formulation of Low Calorie High Fibre Recipes and its Popularisation among Female Diabetic Patients” at 48th Natinal Conference of Nutrition Society of India at St. John’s Research Institute,  St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore.

·        Binu Emmanuel,  Minu Mathews,  Deepthi Annie Francis and Sheeja Irshad presented poster on “Formulation of Vitamin A Recipes and its Popularization among School Children” at 48th National Conference of Nutrition Society of India at St. John’s Research Institute,  St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore

·        Minu Mathews and Merin Abraham presented poster on “Iron Profile of Working Women in Comparison with Housewives” in National seminar on “Rising prevalence of Cancer among Women in Kerala” organized by Dept. of Home Science, St. Joseph’s college for women, Alappuzha, on 4th February 2014. ISBN 978-93-84648-33-6

Area of Specialization Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
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